Ian Johnson

Zero-cost bindings with Zig

May 7, 2023

Well, it's been two and a half years since my last blog post, but now seems like as good a time as any to pick it back up 😄 The last time I posted, I was investigating making a GUI using GTK and Go; now, I'm back to making GUIs using GTK, but using Zig rather than Go. I've really been enjoying using Zig for many reasons, including its ability to effortlessly work with C code while providing lots of useful abstractions and tools of its own. This post will dive into some of the ways Zig can improve the expressiveness of C code without adding any runtime overhead (hence the title, "zero-cost bindings").

Getting started: a simple GTK example

To start with, let's set up a simple GTK example project. I'll be using the latest Zig master version at the time of writing (0.11.0-dev.3000+d71a43ec2). The GTK documentation has a simple "hello world" example which, despite being small and unimpressive, has a lot of functionality for us to explore using in Zig.

For the first step in this journey, we won't even write any GTK code in Zig. One of Zig's selling points is the ability to maintain existing C and C++ code using Zig, leveraging the powerful Zig build system, so let's start with copying the example C code verbatim into a new project and adding a simple build.zig to it.

In hello.c:

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

static void
print_hello (GtkWidget *widget,
             gpointer   data)
  g_print ("Hello World\n");

static void
activate (GtkApplication *app,
          gpointer        user_data)
  GtkWidget *window;
  GtkWidget *button;
  GtkWidget *box;

  window = gtk_application_window_new (app);
  gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window");
  gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 200);

  box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
  gtk_widget_set_halign (box, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
  gtk_widget_set_valign (box, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);

  gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box);

  button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Hello World");

  g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL);
  g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), window);

  gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button);

  gtk_widget_show (window);

main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  GtkApplication *app;
  int status;

  app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS);
  g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL);
  status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv);
  g_object_unref (app);

  return status;

In build.zig:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});

    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "hello-world",
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    exe.addCSourceFile("hello.c", &.{});

    const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
    if (b.args) |args| {

    const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");

With just these two files, we can run zig build run in the project directory and see the simple application start up. Amazing!

Much of build.zig is exactly what zig init-exe produces, but there are a few changes to make it work with the hello.c file instead of a Zig source file. First of all, the .root_source_file has been removed from the addExecutable options, because our project doesn't have any Zig source files in it at the moment. Instead, we're using exe.addCSourceFile("hello.c", &.{}) to add the hello.c source file to our executable. The first argument to addCSourceFile is the path to the file, and the second is a slice of any compiler options we might want to add (real projects would probably include options such as -Wall to get more warnings from the compiler).

The other change is the addition of exe.linkLibC() and exe.linkSystemLibrary("gtk4"). The first of these is needed to link the C standard library to the executable, which is a requirement for GTK, and the second is needed to link GTK itself. Zig uses the pkg-config tool to determine all the flags it needs to find the GTK header files and libraries to use in our application.

This approach scales far beyond this simple example. Others have used the Zig build system to build real-world C projects, such as ffmpeg. However, this post is focused on using the Zig language to provide abstractions over C APIs, so let's press on and start writing some Zig code...

Writing it in Zig: a first attempt

Here's hello.zig, a fairly direct conversion of the original hello.c code:

const c = @cImport(@cInclude("gtk/gtk.h"));
const std = @import("std");

fn printHello(_: *c.GtkWidget, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    c.g_print("Hello World\n");

fn activate(app: *c.GtkApplication, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    const window = c.gtk_application_window_new(app);
    c.gtk_window_set_title(@ptrCast(*c.GtkWindow, window), "Window");
    c.gtk_window_set_default_size(@ptrCast(*c.GtkWindow, window), 200, 200);

    const box = c.gtk_box_new(c.GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
    c.gtk_widget_set_halign(box, c.GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
    c.gtk_widget_set_valign(box, c.GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);

    c.gtk_window_set_child(@ptrCast(*c.GtkWindow, window), box);

    const button = c.gtk_button_new_with_label("Hello World");

    _ = c.g_signal_connect_data(button, "clicked", @ptrCast(c.GCallback, &printHello), null, null, 0);
    _ = c.g_signal_connect_data(button, "clicked", @ptrCast(c.GCallback, &c.gtk_window_destroy), window, null, c.G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);

    c.gtk_box_append(@ptrCast(*c.GtkBox, box), button);


pub fn main() void {
    const app = c.gtk_application_new("org.gtk.example", c.G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS);
    _ = c.g_signal_connect_data(app, "activate", @ptrCast(c.GCallback, &activate), null, null, 0);
    const status = c.g_application_run(@ptrCast(*c.GApplication, app), @intCast(c_int, std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast([*c][*c]u8, std.os.argv.ptr));

    std.os.exit(@intCast(u8, status));

This is not particularly pretty Zig code, but it will get better! There are a few notable differences from the original C code which should be explained in more detail.

First, due to a known limitation in zig translate-c, the use of the g_signal_connect and g_signal_connect_swapped macros have been replaced with direct calls to g_signal_connect_data (which is what the macros do internally).

Second, all the GTK_WINDOW, etc. type cast macros have been replaced with explicit @ptrCasts, because zig translate-c is unable to translate the macros to valid Zig code.

Finally, the translated example uses a conventional Zig main function taking no parameters and returning void, so it uses std.os.argv and std.os.exit to access the program arguments and exit with the correct status, respectively.

The addExecutable part of our build.zig file now looks like this, since we're now using a Zig source file instead of a C source file (the rest of build.zig is unchanged):

const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
    .name = "hello-world",
    .root_source_file = .{ .path = "hello.zig" },
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

The application still builds and runs successfully with zig build run. The build.zig file will remain unchanged from this point on, but hello.zig can be greatly improved.

Improving the bindings: namespaces and transparent wrappers

Unlike C, Zig allows structs to contain declarations such as constants and functions. This means that a C function such as gtk_window_set_title could be expressed in Zig as a member function setTitle on a type named gtk.Window, which makes the namespace pattern much clearer while avoiding a lot of unnecessary duplication. Let's wrap the C types used in this example in structs and namespace the associated declarations:

pub const gobject = struct {
    pub const Callback = *const fn () callconv(.C) void;
    pub const Closure = opaque {};
    pub const ClosureNotify = *const fn (?*anyopaque, *Closure) callconv(.C) void;
    pub const ConnectFlags = c_uint;

    extern fn g_signal_connect_data(instance: *Object, detailed_signal: [*:0]const u8, c_handler: Callback, data: ?*anyopaque, destroy_data: ?ClosureNotify, connect_flags: ConnectFlags) c_ulong;
    pub const signalConnectData = g_signal_connect_data;

    pub const Object = extern struct {
        inner: c.GObject,

        extern fn g_object_unref(object: ?*Object) void;
        pub const unref = g_object_unref;

pub const gio = struct {
    pub const ApplicationFlags = c_uint;

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GApplication,

        extern fn g_application_run(application: *Application, argc: c_int, argv: [*][*:0]u8) c_int;
        pub const run = g_application_run;

pub const gtk = struct {
    pub const Align = c_uint;
    pub const Orientation = c_uint;

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplication,

        extern fn gtk_application_new(id: [*:0]const u8, flags: gio.ApplicationFlags) *Application;
        pub const new = gtk_application_new;

    pub const ApplicationWindow = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplicationWindow,

        extern fn gtk_application_window_new(application: *Application) *ApplicationWindow;
        pub const new = gtk_application_window_new;

    pub const Box = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkBox,

        extern fn gtk_box_append(box: *Box, widget: *Widget) void;
        pub const append = gtk_box_append;

        extern fn gtk_box_new(orientation: Orientation, spacing: c_int) *Box;
        pub const new = gtk_box_new;

    pub const Button = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkButton,

        extern fn gtk_button_new_with_label(label: [*:0]const u8) *Button;
        pub const newWithLabel = gtk_button_new_with_label;

    pub const Widget = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWidget,

        extern fn gtk_widget_set_halign(widget: *Widget, halign: Align) void;
        pub const setHalign = gtk_widget_set_halign;

        extern fn gtk_widget_set_valign(widget: *Widget, valign: Align) void;
        pub const setValign = gtk_widget_set_valign;

        extern fn gtk_widget_show(widget: *Widget) void;
        pub const show = gtk_widget_show;

    pub const Window = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWindow,

        extern fn gtk_window_set_child(window: *Window, child: *Widget) void;
        pub const setChild = gtk_window_set_child;

        extern fn gtk_window_set_default_size(window: *Window, width: c_int, height: c_int) void;
        pub const setDefaultSize = gtk_window_set_default_size;

        extern fn gtk_window_set_title(window: *Window, title: [*:0]const u8) void;
        pub const setTitle = gtk_window_set_title;

There's a lot going on here, so let's break it down bit by bit.

First, we're using structs with no fields to create namespaces for gobject, gio, and gtk to keep their respective declarations separate. Namespaces in Zig are just structs with no fields: in fact, every Zig file is implicitly a struct, so our hello.zig file has actually been a namespace struct just like these ones from the very beginning! If our goal was actually to create bindings for GTK and all associated libraries, then these structs would probably be best as separate files themselves, but for this simplified example it's fine to keep them in the same file.

Second, we've represented each type used in the bindings as an extern struct with a single field of the underlying C type. Using an extern struct rather than a regular struct ensures consistent memory layout: we want our gobject.Object type to have the same memory layout as the underlying GObject type so it acts as a transparent wrapper.

Third, we've added aliases for enum and flag types such as gio.ApplicationFlags using the underlying C types. Right now, these aren't very interesting, but we will improve on these later to further refine the API.

Finally, we've replicated the extern fn declarations for all the functions used in our code within their respective namespaces and added aliases to expose them with more idiomatic names. For example, gtk_button_new_with_label is aliased as newWithLabel, since it will be accessed from the container gtk.Button. The declarations have been tweaked from the C originals to reference our transparent wrapper types, as in *Button rather than *c.GtkButton. The return types of the various new functions have also been corrected to the actual type being returned, rather than just *Widget as the GTK headers often do (this will come in handy later).

So what does hello.zig look like when it's updated to use these enhanced bindings?

fn printHello(_: *gtk.Widget, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    std.debug.print("Hello World\n", .{});

fn activate(app: *gtk.Application, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    const window = gtk.ApplicationWindow.new(app);
    @ptrCast(*gtk.Window, window).setTitle("Window");
    @ptrCast(*gtk.Window, window).setDefaultSize(200, 200);

    const box = gtk.Box.new(c.GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
    @ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box).setHalign(c.GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
    @ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box).setValign(c.GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);

    @ptrCast(*gtk.Window, window).setChild(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box));

    const button = gtk.Button.newWithLabel("Hello World");

    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &printHello), null, null, 0);
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &c.gtk_window_destroy), window, null, c.G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);

    box.append(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, button));

    @ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, window).show();

pub fn main() void {
    const app = gtk.Application.new("org.gtk.example", c.G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS);
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, app), "activate", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &activate), null, null, 0);
    const status = @ptrCast(*gio.Application, app).run(@intCast(c_int, std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, std.os.argv.ptr));
    @ptrCast(*gobject.Object, app).unref();

    std.os.exit(@intCast(u8, status));

Still not amazing, but getting a little better! Some parts of it are starting to look more like idiomatic Zig code, but there are still quite a few @ptrCasts. The call to g_print in printHello has also been replaced with std.debug.print, but that isn't related to the binding changes.

Subclass methods using mixins

How do we get rid of the @ptrCasts? The reason for many of them is that GTK uses the GObject type system, which is an object-oriented programming framework for C, making heavy use of inheritance. Take our gtk.Widget.show function, for example: this function is defined on Widget, and logically applies to subclasses such as ApplicationWindow. But neither Zig nor C support the concept of inheritance directly, so both languages require casting the ApplicationWindow pointer to a Widget pointer before we can use a function that accepts a Widget.

We've seen the power of namespacing at work already, so what if we just make a copy of this function in our ApplicationWindow namespace which uses an *ApplicationWindow parameter instead of *Widget?

// In the ApplicationWindow struct:
extern fn gtk_widget_show(widget: *ApplicationWindow) void;
pub const show = gtk_widget_show;

This works, and allows us to remove the @ptrCast from *ApplicationWindow to *Widget when calling show. However, doing this manually for every subclass of Widget is tedious and error-prone, especially if we want to support all the GTK widget types rather than just the few used in this example. There is a better way, using Zig's powerful comptime features:

pub const gobject = struct {
    pub const Callback = *const fn () callconv(.C) void;
    pub const Closure = opaque {};
    pub const ClosureNotify = *const fn (?*anyopaque, *Closure) callconv(.C) void;
    pub const ConnectFlags = c_uint;

    extern fn g_signal_connect_data(instance: *Object, detailed_signal: [*:0]const u8, c_handler: Callback, data: ?*anyopaque, destroy_data: ?ClosureNotify, connect_flags: ConnectFlags) c_ulong;
    pub const signalConnectData = g_signal_connect_data;

    pub const Object = extern struct {
        inner: c.GObject,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Object);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn g_object_unref(object: ?*Self) void;
                pub const unref = g_object_unref;

pub const gio = struct {
    pub const ApplicationFlags = c_uint;

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GApplication,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Application);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn g_application_run(application: *Self, argc: c_int, argv: [*][*:0]u8) c_int;
                pub const run = g_application_run;

                pub usingnamespace gobject.Object.Methods(Self);

pub const gtk = struct {
    pub const Align = c_uint;
    pub const Orientation = c_uint;

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplication,

        extern fn gtk_application_new(id: [*:0]const u8, flags: gio.ApplicationFlags) *Application;
        pub const new = gtk_application_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Application);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace gio.Application.Methods(Self);

    pub const ApplicationWindow = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplicationWindow,

        extern fn gtk_application_window_new(application: *Application) *ApplicationWindow;
        pub const new = gtk_application_window_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(ApplicationWindow);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace Window.Methods(Self);

    pub const Box = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkBox,

        extern fn gtk_box_new(orientation: Orientation, spacing: c_int) *Box;
        pub const new = gtk_box_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Box);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_box_append(box: *Self, widget: *Widget) void;
                pub const append = gtk_box_append;

                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);

    pub const Button = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkButton,

        extern fn gtk_button_new_with_label(label: [*:0]const u8) *Button;
        pub const newWithLabel = gtk_button_new_with_label;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Button);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);

    pub const Widget = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWidget,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Widget);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_widget_set_halign(widget: *Self, halign: Align) void;
                pub const setHalign = gtk_widget_set_halign;

                extern fn gtk_widget_set_valign(widget: *Self, valign: Align) void;
                pub const setValign = gtk_widget_set_valign;

                extern fn gtk_widget_show(widget: *Self) void;
                pub const show = gtk_widget_show;

                pub usingnamespace gobject.Object.Methods(Self);

    pub const Window = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWindow,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Window);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_window_set_child(window: *Self, child: *Widget) void;
                pub const setChild = gtk_window_set_child;

                extern fn gtk_window_set_default_size(window: *Self, width: c_int, height: c_int) void;
                pub const setDefaultSize = gtk_window_set_default_size;

                extern fn gtk_window_set_title(window: *Self, title: [*:0]const u8) void;
                pub const setTitle = gtk_window_set_title;

                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);

Each class now has a Methods function which takes a type, Self, and returns another type containing the method declarations for the class (the "methods" being the functions which take an object pointer as their first argument, called as obj.method() in Zig). The object pointer type is replaced with *Self rather than hard-coding the name of the receiver type. Then, when we want to include all the methods for a type A in another type B, we use pub usingnamespace A.Methods(B): calling A.Methods(B) returns a struct with all of A's methods, but with B as the receiver type, and pub usingnamespace adds all its declarations to B as if we had written them directly.

We can even using the pub usingnamespace trick within the struct returned by Methods, which allows us to chain up and transitively include methods from all superclasses as well. We're using the power of Zig's comptime to achieve the result we wanted before (including parent class method declarations on child classes) without the tedious manual work of copying and editing each method from every parent class.

So what does our main hello.zig logic look like now that we've removed the need for @ptrCasts on method receivers?

fn printHello(_: *gtk.Widget, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    std.debug.print("Hello World\n", .{});

fn activate(app: *gtk.Application, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    const window = gtk.ApplicationWindow.new(app);
    window.setDefaultSize(200, 200);

    const box = gtk.Box.new(c.GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);

    window.setChild(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box));

    const button = gtk.Button.newWithLabel("Hello World");

    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &printHello), null, null, 0);
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &c.gtk_window_destroy), window, null, c.G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);

    box.append(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, button));


pub fn main() void {
    const app = gtk.Application.new("org.gtk.example", c.G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS);
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, app), "activate", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &activate), null, null, 0);
    const status = app.run(@intCast(c_int, std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, std.os.argv.ptr));

    std.os.exit(@intCast(u8, status));

This is a lot better! That's a lot of @ptrCasts gone.

This also demonstrates the reason why we needed to fix the return types of the new methods: if gtk.ApplicationWindow.new still returned a *Widget, for example, we still wouldn't be able to call window.setTitle("Window") or other window-specific methods without a @ptrCast.

Better flags and enums

We can do even better with our bindings by refining the flag and enum types which are currently lazily aliased to c_uint in our namespaces. To avoid duplicating all the bindings again (as they're getting larger with each improvement), I'll just demonstrate the improved binding technique for one flag type and one enum type.

First is an enum type. Instead of using a plain c_uint, we can use an enum backed by a c_uint, which makes the allowed values explicit while maintaining the underlying representation (meaning it is still valid for us to use the enum type in our extern fn declarations):

pub const Align = enum(c_uint) {
    fill = 0,
    start = 1,
    end = 2,
    center = 3,
    baseline = 4,

This also means that when we have a function which accepts an Align parameter, we can pass a value such as .center (thanks to Zig allowing the enum type name to be omitted when it can be implied), rather than the more cumbersome c.GTK_ALIGN_CENTER.

A little more surprising is how Zig allows us to improve on the representation of a flag type:

pub const ApplicationFlags = packed struct(c_uint) {
    is_service: bool = false,
    is_launcher: bool = false,
    handles_open: bool = false,
    handles_command_line: bool = false,
    send_environment: bool = false,
    non_unique: bool = false,
    can_override_app_id: bool = false,
    allow_replacement: bool = false,
    replace: bool = false,
    _padding: u23 = 0,

Within a packed struct, there is no padding between fields, and fields take up exactly their bit size (so, in particular, a bool is only one bit rather than taking up a whole byte). Since we're using an explict tag type of c_uint, we know that this type is still directly compatible with c_uint, so our extern fn declarations are still valid.

Now, instead of writing a bitwise expression such as c.G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE | c.G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, we can just write .{ .is_service = true, .handles_open = true }, which more closely mirrors the common Zig pattern of passing an "options" struct to a function.

Here's what the main hello.zig code looks like now:

fn printHello(_: *gtk.Widget, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    std.debug.print("Hello World\n", .{});

fn activate(app: *gtk.Application, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    const window = gtk.ApplicationWindow.new(app);
    window.setDefaultSize(200, 200);

    const box = gtk.Box.new(.vertical, 0);

    window.setChild(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box));

    const button = gtk.Button.newWithLabel("Hello World");

    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &printHello), null, null, .{});
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &c.gtk_window_destroy), window, null, .{ .swapped = true });

    box.append(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, button));


pub fn main() void {
    const app = gtk.Application.new("org.gtk.example", .{});
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, app), "activate", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &activate), null, null, .{});
    const status = app.run(@intCast(c_int, std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, std.os.argv.ptr));

    std.os.exit(@intCast(u8, status));

The enum and flag parameters definitely look a lot cleaner in this version.

What's next?

One really neat aspect of the bindings written through the examples above is that they are zero-cost: the bindings expose the underlying GTK functions directly, without forcing the user to go through wrapper functions (which may impose a runtime penalty or may not expose the full power of the wrapped API). There are still improvements to be made: in particular, signal connection is still tedious and not type-safe (there is no guarantee that the signal handlers actually accept the correct parameter types). However, I hope this exploration has demonstrated the power that Zig brings to working with C APIs and motivated you (the reader) to experiment with some of these techniques in your own projects 😃

Since GTK is such a huge library, maintaining these bindings by hand (even with the comptime metaprogramming tools Zig provides) would be a massive task. A much more sustainable approach would be to generate similar bindings from GObject introspection data, which is what many other language bindings (such as gtk-rs) do: GObject introspection exposes rich type information (including properties such as nullability which are not directly present in C) for bindings to leverage in exposing more idiomatic APIs such as the one explored above. This is exactly what my WIP zig-gobject project does. At the time of writing, it is not yet ready to use (it depends on some unmerged Zig PRs related to the package manager), but I hope to share it with the community soon 🚀

Addendum: the final hello.zig file

Here's the final hello.zig file, with all of the enhancements described in the sections above:

const c = @cImport(@cInclude("gtk/gtk.h"));
const std = @import("std");

fn printHello(_: *gtk.Widget, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    std.debug.print("Hello World\n", .{});

fn activate(app: *gtk.Application, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
    const window = gtk.ApplicationWindow.new(app);
    window.setDefaultSize(200, 200);

    const box = gtk.Box.new(.vertical, 0);

    window.setChild(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, box));

    const button = gtk.Button.newWithLabel("Hello World");

    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &printHello), null, null, .{});
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, button), "clicked", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &c.gtk_window_destroy), window, null, .{ .swapped = true });

    box.append(@ptrCast(*gtk.Widget, button));


pub fn main() void {
    const app = gtk.Application.new("org.gtk.example", .{});
    _ = gobject.signalConnectData(@ptrCast(*gobject.Object, app), "activate", @ptrCast(gobject.Callback, &activate), null, null, .{});
    const status = app.run(@intCast(c_int, std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, std.os.argv.ptr));

    std.os.exit(@intCast(u8, status));

pub const gobject = struct {
    pub const Callback = *const fn () callconv(.C) void;
    pub const Closure = opaque {};
    pub const ClosureNotify = *const fn (?*anyopaque, *Closure) callconv(.C) void;
    pub const ConnectFlags = packed struct(c_uint) {
        after: bool = false,
        swapped: bool = false,
        _padding: u30 = 0,

    extern fn g_signal_connect_data(instance: *Object, detailed_signal: [*:0]const u8, c_handler: Callback, data: ?*anyopaque, destroy_data: ?ClosureNotify, connect_flags: ConnectFlags) c_ulong;
    pub const signalConnectData = g_signal_connect_data;

    pub const Object = extern struct {
        inner: c.GObject,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Object);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn g_object_unref(object: ?*Self) void;
                pub const unref = g_object_unref;

pub const gio = struct {
    pub const ApplicationFlags = packed struct(c_uint) {
        is_service: bool = false,
        is_launcher: bool = false,
        handles_open: bool = false,
        handles_command_line: bool = false,
        send_environment: bool = false,
        non_unique: bool = false,
        can_override_app_id: bool = false,
        allow_replacement: bool = false,
        replace: bool = false,
        _padding: u23 = 0,

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GApplication,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Application);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn g_application_run(application: *Self, argc: c_int, argv: [*][*:0]u8) c_int;
                pub const run = g_application_run;

                pub usingnamespace gobject.Object.Methods(Self);

pub const gtk = struct {
    pub const Align = enum(c_uint) {
        fill = 0,
        start = 1,
        end = 2,
        center = 3,
        baseline = 4,
    pub const Orientation = enum(c_uint) {
        horizontal = 0,
        vertical = 1,

    pub const Application = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplication,

        extern fn gtk_application_new(id: [*:0]const u8, flags: gio.ApplicationFlags) *Application;
        pub const new = gtk_application_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Application);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace gio.Application.Methods(Self);

    pub const ApplicationWindow = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkApplicationWindow,

        extern fn gtk_application_window_new(application: *Application) *ApplicationWindow;
        pub const new = gtk_application_window_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(ApplicationWindow);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace Window.Methods(Self);

    pub const Box = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkBox,

        extern fn gtk_box_new(orientation: Orientation, spacing: c_int) *Box;
        pub const new = gtk_box_new;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Box);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_box_append(box: *Self, widget: *Widget) void;
                pub const append = gtk_box_append;

                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);

    pub const Button = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkButton,

        extern fn gtk_button_new_with_label(label: [*:0]const u8) *Button;
        pub const newWithLabel = gtk_button_new_with_label;

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Button);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);

    pub const Widget = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWidget,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Widget);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_widget_set_halign(widget: *Self, halign: Align) void;
                pub const setHalign = gtk_widget_set_halign;

                extern fn gtk_widget_set_valign(widget: *Self, valign: Align) void;
                pub const setValign = gtk_widget_set_valign;

                extern fn gtk_widget_show(widget: *Self) void;
                pub const show = gtk_widget_show;

                pub usingnamespace gobject.Object.Methods(Self);

    pub const Window = extern struct {
        inner: c.GtkWindow,

        pub usingnamespace Methods(Window);

        pub fn Methods(comptime Self: type) type {
            return struct {
                extern fn gtk_window_set_child(window: *Self, child: *Widget) void;
                pub const setChild = gtk_window_set_child;

                extern fn gtk_window_set_default_size(window: *Self, width: c_int, height: c_int) void;
                pub const setDefaultSize = gtk_window_set_default_size;

                extern fn gtk_window_set_title(window: *Self, title: [*:0]const u8) void;
                pub const setTitle = gtk_window_set_title;

                pub usingnamespace Widget.Methods(Self);